Jul 13, 2012
New Book on the Progress of Capitalism in CEE
The fall of Soviet Union over 20 years ago ushered in new political and economic ideologies and institutions to its former states, places where “many scholars doubted that the seeds of capitalist democracy would ever take root,” said CEU Professor of International Relations and European Studies Bela Greskovits. However, capitalism in different forms did emerge and Greskovits and his colleague, CEU Associate Professor of Political Science Dorothee Bohle, have been researching its progress – which has been precarious at times – in 11 of the 20 former communist countries that transformed after the Soviet collapse. The results of their research will be published in the upcoming book titled Capitalist Diversity on Europe’s Periphery. Read more on New Book on the Progress of Capitalism in CEE
Feb 29, 2012
How to Save Greece?
So you are one of those who think that no good can come out of austerity? Or else, you think that 'sound' macroeconomic policies are the way to go? Well, design your own plan for saving Greece here. Maybe that'll help...
Feb 13, 2012
14 Ways an Economist Says 'I Love You'
A rather nerdy take on Valentine's Day... or as the authors claim: "expectation management, the key to a long and happy relationship". If, however, it doesn't work out, charts demonstrating your inelastic demand and natural monopoly notwithstanding, you can still ponder about the 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover...
Jan 24, 2012
Rating the Rating Agencies
Rating agencies remain in the spotlight and they seemingly can never make anyone happy: when they junk or downgrade countries, it obviously hurts, when they fail to do just that, they get blamed for not warning the world to the looming economic crisis. A recent commentary in the Financial Times (and the above illustration) is clearly pointing the finger at them.
PERG, however, had the privilege to listen to a more nuanced take: Zsofia Barta (EUI) presented her research on how rating agencies determine the creditworthiness of a country. More details on the PERG website.
Jan 19, 2012
On Kiev's Black Money Markets
PERG's very own Vera Asenova discovers how restricted markets can still lead to an increase in Pareto efficiency... well, through the good old black market. Read more about her money exchange adventures in Kiev, Ukraine on her blog.(Reuters) People waiting for Vera to approach them with euros, in front of a Kiev exchange.