May 22, 2008

European Nuclear Forum is like a “Legalize Marijuana” club

By Andrej Nosko

Czech economic daily E15, in May published an interview with my favorite Czech Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security Václav Bartuška. In his as usually very sobering remarks, Bartuška talks about short-sightedness of management of Czech energy company subsidiaries, energy policies in Europe and need for an energy crisis in Europe as a 'wake-up' call.

Although, as usually, Ambassador Bartuska's comments would be worth translating in full. There are two comments that deserve translation for the non Czech reader above all other:
The first one is regarding the Nuclear Energy in Europe:
"[Jaderné] fórum připomíná takovou schůzku lidí, kteří chtějí prosadit legalizaci marihuany. Půlka z nich už tak potají pokuřuje na záchodě a bojí se to říct na veřejnosti."

My translation: "[Nuclear] forum reminds me of a gathering of people, that would like to legalize marijuana. Half of them smokes in private in the bathroom and is afraid to say that in public."

The second one concerns the problem of energy policy in Europe:
Original: “Evropa potřebuje týdenní blackout. Ne pětihodinový, týdenní. Aby to maso pochodovalo z mrazáku. Protože týdenní výpadek proudu vám maže civilizaci”

My translation:
“Europe needs a week-long blackout. Not five-hour, a week-long. So that the meat would walk out of the freezer. Because week-long blackout starts to erase civilization”

Further comments are not necessary.

If you'd like to read more, check out my presentation at Prague Security Studies' Summer School in Telč, and especially slides 35 and 37, but the included videos on slides 30-32 might be instructive as well.

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